Iranian-born documentary filmmaker Ashkan Soltani makes it his mission to uncover the true story behind Afghan war rugs: Who are the artists who design these rugs? Why such disturbing scenes? What messages are they attempting to send? In the tale the rugs are telling, what is the latest chapter?

In the course of journey to the heart of the war-torn region neighboring his homeland, Soltani discovers a link to his own cultural traditions—the storytelling art of Pardeh-Khaani. Also known as Tea House Paintings, the Pardeh-Khaani consisted of legendary stories, such as Shahnameh (Book of Kings), told in Persian tea houses by storytellers in front of huge painted curtains illustrating the tale. The custom lost its audience to the coming of cinema in the early 20th Century.
Not just another Afghan war movie, Weaving Havoc transmits a positive message from Islamic culture, delivering a rare, insider’s view of Afghanistan’s creative community, including musicians, poets, and their historic legacy. It is also a story of a filmmaker finding his own cultural roots in an ancient storytelling form.